셔츠를 뒤집어 입고 나온 제이크
[Try it in English]
바바라 : 저기, 제이크, 네 셔츠가 뒤집어졌어.
제이크 : 그래? 아, 몰랐네. 고마워.
바바라 : 넌 신경 안 쓰는 것 같다. 그렇지?
제이크 : 괜찮아. 눈에 띄지도 않는데 뭐, 응? 근데 말이야, 내 바지가 너무 꽉 끼는 것 같지 않니?
바바라 : 솔직하게 말해도 돼? 너무 심하게 꽉 끼어. 솔기가 결국 터져 버릴 것 같다고.
[Model dialogue]
Barbara : Hey, Jake, your shirt is inside out.
Jake : Is it? Oh, I didn't notice that. Thank you.
Barbara : You don't seem to care, do you?
Jake : It's okay. It isn't noticeable, is it? By the way, do you think my pants are too tight?
Barbara : Can I be honest? They're way too tight. The seams may end up popping.
[Vocabulary& Expressions]
* notice 눈치 채다, 알아차리다
* seam 솔기
* care 신경 쓰다
* pop 빵하고 터지다
[Speaking drills]
* inside out (안팎이) 뒤집어진
Your shirt is inside out.
- Oh, my blouse is inside out.
- Isn't your sweater inside out?
- Hey, I think your dress is inside out.
* You don't seem to ~. You don't seem to ~.
You don't seem to care, do you?
- You don't seem to belong to the club.
- You don't seem to want to drive today.
- You don't seem to enjoy what you're doing now.
* end up -ing 결국 ~하게 되다
The seams may end up popping.
- You're going to end up liking him.
- They finally ended up getting married.
- We made up our minds and ended up starting a business together.
[Easy & Useful Expressions]
"end up -ing"
end up -ing는 '어쩌다 보니 결국 ~하게 되었다'라는 뉘앙스로 말할 때 쓰는 표현입니다. 티격태격하다가 결국 사랑에 빠져 결혼하게 되었다면 end up getting married라고 하면 되고, 헤어지고 만나기를 반복하다가 결국은 아예 이별하게 되었다면 end up breaking up이라고 하면 되겠죠. end up 다음에 동사에 -ing를 붙인 형태를 이어서 말하면 됩니다.
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