
The hardest Working Man in Show Biz  연예계에서 가장 열심히 일하는 남자

[Power Dialog]

Hey Michael, what are you watching? I can hear the music all the way across the room.

Oh, it's the Dwayne Johnson show Ballers. Man, that guy's everywhere. He's got a TV show and he's in a couple of movies every year.

The Rock is easily the hardest working man in show biz. He's got a great story, too.

Yeah, he went from being on a pro football team to being broke and living with his parents. Then he became one of the greatest pro wrestlers ever.

And now he's on top of the world in Hollywood.

Talk about going from rags to riches. I think we can learn a lot about perseverance from Dwayne.

And he seems to be really down to earth, too.

[Power Note]

1. on top of the world - triumphantly happy or successful

좋아서 어쩔 줄 모르는, 성공에 들떠 있는, 행복에 취한

A: It seemed like the singer was on top of the world just lst year.

B: Yeah, it's amazing how quick a scandal can end a career.

After Sonya got her dream job, she was on top of the world.

2. go from rags to riches - to become wealthy after being poor

무일푼에서 부자가 되다, 인생 역전하다

A: Have you read the book about the CEO who used to be a monk?

B: Yeah, it's a great rags-to-riches story.

The real estate investor went from rags to riches after the economic crash of 2008.

3. down to earth - unpretentious; realistic

잘난 척하지 않는, 가식 없는; 현실적인, 검소한

A: I love Jill St. Jacque's acting style.

B: Yeah, she's got a real down-to-earth approach to her roles.

Even though he was a billionaire, the CEO was a very down-to-earth man.

[Power Pattern & Vocabulary]

went from being A to being B

A였다가 B가 됐다

She went from being really fat to being a bikini model.

They went from being unknown to being the most famous band in the world.

He went from being broke and living on the street to being rich and living in a mansion.

show biz  쇼 비즈


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