My Best Friends Broke Up - What Do I Do? 제일 친한 친구 둘이 사귀다 헤어졌어요, 어떡하죠?
[Power Dialog]
Amy, I need your advice. Carol and Mark, my two best friends i the world, broke up last month and they're making everything uncomfortable.
Oh no! And you feel like you have to take sides in the situation, right?
They both have been trying to guilt-trip me when I have plans with the other.
Maybe you can get them both to sit down with you and tell them how you feel.
No, it's too early. They still aren't on speaking terms with one another.
I hate to say it, but you may have to make a choice between them, or distance yourself from both of them.
Yeah, but who do I like better? That's not an easy question to answer.
[Power Note]
1. take sides - to choose who you believe is correct
편들다, 한쪽을 지지하다, 두둔하다
A: Dad, Amy wo't share her candy with me!
B: Figure it out on your own, I'm not taking sides in your pretty squabbles.
My neighbors asked me to take sides in their argument over the location of a fence.
2. guilt-trip - to make someone feel bad for something
자책하게 만들다, 죄책감이 들게 하다, 죄책감을 느끼게 만드는 말
A: My girlfriend always gives me a guilt trip if I don't do what she wants.
B: That's nothing! What until you get married.
My mother was a pro at guilt-tripping my sister and I into doing our chores.
3. distance oneself from - to limit one's association with someone or something
~와 거리를 두다, ~에 가까이 가지 않다
A: Did you hear about the actor who made those vulgar comments about his co-star?
B: Yeah, it seems like everyone in the film industry is distancing themselves from him.
After Steve became rich, he began to distance himself from his high school friends.
[Power Pattern & Vocabulary]
I hate to say it, but...
이런 말 하기 정말 싫지만/유감이지만 ~
I hate to say it, but you were right again.
I hate to say it, but I think we took the wrong exit.
I hate to say it, but we're going to miss out connecting flight.
break up 헤어지다; 헤어짐, 결별