
굿모닝팝스(GMP) [2016.3.10] I don't care what it costs

[Screen English]

Rudy : 그래서 나더러 내 비법들을 너에게 그냥 가르쳐 달라는 거야?

내가 평생을 바쳐 배운 비법을?

오직 내 아들들에게만 가르쳐 준 비법을?

그걸 그냥 너에게 넘겨달라고?

Philippe : 돈을 낼게요. 저 돈 있어요.

비용이 얼마가 들든 상관 없어요.

Rudy : So, you want me to just give you my secrets;

Secrets I've spent a lifetime learning;

Secrets I've only given to my sons.

You want me to just hand them over to you.

Philippe : I can pay you. I have money.

I don't care what it costs.

[Pops English]

Old man, look at my life.

Twenty four and there's so much more.

Live alone in a paradise

That makes me think of two.

어르신, 제 인생을 보세요.

스물넷, 아직 창창한 날들이 남아 있죠.

천국 같은 곳에서 홀로 살고 있어요.

그래서 다른 누군가를 그리워하죠.

[KISS English]

1. I get a percentage for every book sold.

2. She gets a percentage for every tune sold.

3. We get a percentage for every piece made.

4. They get a percentage for every car fixed.

5. The star gets a percentage for every ticket sold.

6. Our store gets a percentage for every item bought.

7. You get a percentage for every sale you make.

8. Tom gets a percentage for every transaction.


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