
Surprise health inspection of a restaurant

Steve : Hi, you must be Adrienne Stark. I'm Steve Anderson from the health Department and I'm here to inspect your restaurant.

Adrienne : Oh, I didn't know you would be coming today! Can you come back tomorrow?

Steve : No, I can't The whole point of a surprise inspection is to keep restaurant owners on their toes and ensure that they keep their restaurants clean and safe at all times.

Adrienne : I understand. It's just that we got a shipment this morning and we're still emptying boxes. What will you be looking at?

Steve : I'll take the shipment into consideration. But I'll be looking at the whole ball of wax- the proper storage of food, clean surfaces, everything. Hmm..it looks like you're keeping raw chicken and lettuce in the same refrigerator drawer.

Adrienne : We'll fix that now. To be on the safe side, I'll throw away the lettuce because of cross-contamination.

Steve : Yeah, please get on that right away. I see some broken glass in the corner. I assume that just happened during the lunch rush and it will be cleaned up soon?

Adrienne : Oh, definitely. (speaking to another employee) Hey Frank, can you please clean up that glass right now?

Steve : I'll just be checking out your dining area and your restrooms and then I'll be on my way. The restrooms are the Achilles heel of most restaurants.

Adrienne : Great. I know you won't be disappointed because I'm very particular about making a good first impression on my guest.

Steve : Overall, I'm really impressed. If more more restaurants were as conscious about cleanliness as you are, my job would be a lot easier.

[Vocab Tips]

* inspection - 검사, 점검
* cross-contamination 교차 오염
* storage - 지정(소), 보관
* conscious - 신경을 쓰는
* keep one on one's toes - to make someone be prepared for the unexpected ~을 긴장하게 하다
* the whole ball of wax​ - everything 모든 것 
* to be on the safe side - to take precautions 혹시 모르니
* get on - to do something ~을 하다
* Achilles heel - weak point 약점

[Expression of the day]

I'll be looking at the whole ball of wax.
저는 모든 것을 살펴볼 것입니다.

I'll be looking at the whole nine yards.
I'll be looking at the whole​ enchilada.
I'll be looking at the whole​​ works.


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