커피를 많이 마셔서 잠을 잘 못 자는 헬렌
[Try it in English]
남편 : 여보, 당신 어젯밤에 잠을 잘 못 자는 것 같더라고요.
헬렌 : 맞아요. 제가 마신 그 커피 떄문인 것 같아요.
남편 : 당신 그 '두 잔' 규칙을 지켜 보는 게 어때요?
헬렌 : 그게 뭔데요?
남편 : 아침에 한 잔 마시고, 낮에 또 한 잔을 마시는 거예요.
헬렌 : 알겠어요. 그리고 잠자리에 들기 전에는 커피를 마시지 않는 거죠.
남편 : 맞아요. 잠자리에 들기 전 세 시간 정도는 카페인이 든 음료는 마시지 말아요.
[Model Dialogue]
Husband : Honey, I'm afraid you didn't sleep well last night.
Helen : You're right. I guess it was due to all those coffee I drank.
Husband : Why don't you stick to the "two cups" rules?
Helen : What's that?
Husband : One coffee in the morning and another one during midday.
Helen : I see. And don't drank any coffee before bedtime.
Husband : Right. Don't drink anything with caffeine in it about three hours before your bedtime.
[Vocabulary & Expressions]
* rule 규칙
* midday 한낮
* anything with caffeine 카페인이 든 어떤 것
[Speaking Drills]
* due to ~ 때문에
I guess it was due ti all those coffee I drank.
- The flight was canceled due to heavy snow.
- Many people were injured due to the earthquake.
- The machine stopped suddenly due to mechanical problems.
* stick to ~ ~를 따르다, 지키다, 고수하다
Why don't you stick to the "two sups" rule?
- Why are you sticking to it?
- You don't need to stick to the rules.
- Make a daily plan and try to stick to it.
* before bedtime 취침 시간 전에
Don't drink any coffee before bedtime.
- Don't drink coffee before bedtime.
- Don't watch scary movies before bedtime.
- It's not good to eat something right before bedtime.
[Easy & Useful Expressions]
"stick to"
<stick to 무엇>은 '~을 지키다, 따르다, 늘 ~하려고 애쓰다, 매달리다, 집착하다' 등의 뜻이 됩니다. 그래서 stick to 뒤에는 a rule, rules, principles와 같은 규칙이나 원칙을 나타내는 말을 쓸 수 있고, a plan, plans, schedule과 같은 계획이나 일정을 나타내는 말을 쓰기도 합니다.
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