
커피를 많이 마셔서 잠을 잘 못 자는 헬렌

[Try it in English]

남편 : 여보, 당신 어젯밤에 잠을 잘 못 자는 것 같더라고요.

헬렌 : 맞아요. 제가 마신 그 커피 떄문인 것 같아요.

남편 : 당신 그 '두 잔' 규칙을 지켜 보는 게 어때요?

헬렌 : 그게 뭔데요?

남편 : 아침에 한 잔 마시고, 낮에 또 한 잔을 마시는 거예요.

헬렌 : 알겠어요. 그리고 잠자리에 들기 전에는 커피를 마시지 않는 거죠.

남편 : 맞아요. 잠자리에 들기 전 세 시간 정도는 카페인이 든 음료는 마시지 말아요.

[Model Dialogue]

Husband : Honey, I'm afraid you didn't sleep well last night.

Helen : You're right. I guess it was due to all those coffee I drank.

Husband : Why don't you stick to the "two cups" rules?

Helen : What's that?

Husband : One coffee in the morning and another one during midday.

Helen : I see. And don't drank any coffee before bedtime.

Husband : Right. Don't drink anything with caffeine in it about three hours before your bedtime.

[Vocabulary & Expressions]

* rule  규칙

* midday  한낮

* anything with caffeine  카페인이 든 어떤 것

[Speaking Drills]

due to ~   때문에

I guess it was due ti all those coffee I drank.

The flight was canceled due to heavy snow.

Many people were injured due to the earthquake.

The machine stopped suddenly due to mechanical problems.

stick to ~  ~를 따르다, 지키다, 고수하다 

Why don't you stick to the "two sups" rule?

Why are you sticking to it?

You don't need to stick to the rules.

Make a daily plan and try to stick to it.

before bedtime  취침 시간 전에

Don't drink any coffee before bedtime.

Don't drink coffee before bedtime.

Don't watch scary movies before bedtime.

It's not good to eat something right before bedtime.

[Easy & Useful Expressions]

"stick to"

<stick to 무엇>은 '~을 지키다, 따르다, 늘 ~하려고 애쓰다, 매달리다, 집착하다' 등의 뜻이 됩니다. 그래서 stick to 뒤에는 a rule, rules, principles와 같은 규칙이나 원칙을 나타내는 말을 쓸 수 있고, a plan, plans, schedule과 같은 계획이나 일정을 나타내는 말을 쓰기도 합니다.


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