
굿모닝팝스(GMP) 2015년 4월 28일 화요일 He must be stopped

Chief Elder : 조나스가 위험한 존재가 되었다는 걸

명심해야 해. 그를 막아야만 해.

삼각 암석 너머로 가게 둬서는 절대 안 돼.

Asher : 제가 어떻게 해야 되는 거죠?

He must be stopped.

Chief Elder : You must know that

Jonas has become dangerous.

He must be stopped.

He must not get beyond

the Triangle of Rocks.

Asher : What do you want me to do?

[Pops English] There'd be no room for doubt.

* I can't help it, honey.

* You're that much a part of me now.

* Remember that night in Montana

* When we said there'd be no room for doubt.

아무런 의심의 여지가 없을 거예요.

* 나도 어쩔 수가 없어요.

* 당신은 이제 내 인생의 아주 커다란 부분이에요.

* 몬태나에서 보냈던 그 밤을 기억해요.

* 우리 사랑에 아무런 의심의 여지가 없다고 말하던 그때를.

[KISS English] 이 집에 대해서 내 느낌이 좋은데.

1. I've got good vibes about this house.

2. I've got bad vibes from your business partner.

3. I've got good vibes regarding this class.

4. I've got bad vibes from the house next door.

5. I've got good vibes about adopting a pet.

6. I've got bad vibes over the raw fish I ate.

7. I've got good vibes dealing with this man.

8. I've got bad vibes about he pending bill.


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