
Doing a Business Call

Amy : I don't know, Seth. These video conferencing websites seem a little confusing. Are you sure we want to risk looking like fools with our new clients?

Seth : We have to show them that we are on top of technology. Today's not the day to learn by trial and error. So log on to your computer so we can do a practice run.

Amy : Okay, I'm on. So, I just need to click on the link in the email you sent me, right?

Seth : Right. And then the web browser will prompt you to "join in" the call. This should be really easy for our clients, don't you think?

Amy : Well, you know how un-technical I am, so if I can do it, anyone can.

Seth : Wait, we're only getting started. Click "allow" so the program can access your camera and microphone. Great, I can see you. Now we're cooking!

Amy : There's a record function here. But it won't let me click on it.

Seth : Since I'm the host of the call, only I can record it. But don't worry, I will record it so our clients can access it any time we need a reminder of what was discussed.

Any : Ah, it even allows us to share our computer screens! And we can add titles under our faces during the call.

Seth : Great! I'll add everyone's names and titles when we get on the call. I think we're mastered it.

Amy : Let me make some coffee and open the files I want to show them and then I'm ready to roll.

[Vocab Tips]

* risk - 위험을 무릅쓰다
* technical - 기술에 능숙한
* prompt - 유도하다
* access - 접속하다
* trial and error - 시행착오
* practice run - a rehearsal 리허설, 시험 운전
* master - to become an expert of something ~에 능숙해지다
* ready to roll - prepared to begin 시작할 준비가 된

[Expression of the day]

Now we're cooking!
지금 우리는 제대로 하고 있는 거야!

Now we're getting somewhere!
Now we're getting the hang of it.
Now we're making progress.


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