
휴일에 영업을 하는지 확인하는 제이크

​​​​[Try it in English]

제이크 : 여보세요. 오늘 휴일인데도 문을 여시나요?
지배인 : 네, 평소처럼 영업합니다.
제이크 : 아, 잘됐네요. 예약을 해야 하나요?
지배인 : 네, 창가 쪽 테이블을 원하신다면요.
제이크 : 그럼 전망 좋은 자리로 잡아 주세요.
지배인 : 몇 분이시죠, 손님?
제이크 : 두 명이요.

​[Model Dialogue]

*우리말 대화에 맞는 영어 대화를 듣고 연습해 보세요.​

(on the phone)
Jake : Hello. Are you open today even though it's a holiday?
Manager : Yes, we're open for business as usual.
Jake : Oh, it's good to hear that. Do I need to make a reservation?
Manager : Yes, if you want a table by the window.
Jake : Then please save me a table with a nice view. 
​Manager : For how many people, sir?
Jake : Just two, please.

[Vocabulary & Expressions]

* open 열려 있는, 영업을 하는
* by the window 창가에
* make a reservation 예약하다
* save ~ a table ~의 테이블(자리)을 맡아 주다, 예약해 주다

​[Speaking Drills]

Even though ~,  ….
Are you open today even though it's holiday?

as usual
We're open for business as usual.

​with a nice view
​Then please save me a table with a nice view.

​[Pronunciation & Listening Tips]

I'm at work as usual.
I took a taxi as usual.
​​I slept late as usual.

If you want a guide, call us.
If you want a job, call this person.
If you want a good deal, go to this store.


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