Starting a New Business
Anna : Paul, I've made a big decision: now that Teddy and Rachel are both in university, I want to start my own business. I've already been testing the waters and know what I'm going to do.
Paul : That's great. I hate seeing you moping around the house. What kind of business do you want to start?
Anna : I want to help other stay-at-home moms get and stay better organized. You know, being a "housewife" is not as easy as it sounds.
Paul : That's great idea, honey. How are you going to attract customers?
Anna : I'm going to blog about my experiences and share tips and information I find online. After I've built up and audience, I'll hang out my shingle and start offering my consulting services.
Paul : That's a great way to reap the harvest of your years of experience running a household and raising two great kids. So, what are you going to call it?
Anna : I've been going back and forth between "Ask Anna" and "Easy Efficiency for Moms." What do you think?
Paul : I think branding yourself is important, so "Ask Anna" will work a lot better in getting people to remember your name.
Anna : I even have the website partly designed. I'll want your input, of course, but I'm going to run it by some of my friends first.
Paul : Don't worry, I'm not offended. But you might want to consider going after the small but growing number of stay-at-home dads.
Anna : That's a great idea. I'll just have to tweak my marketing a little bit, but I don't want to leave anyone out.
[Vocab Tips]
* attract - 마음을 끌다
* input - 조언
* build up - 확보하다, 쌓다
* offended - 상처 받은
* test the waters - to try something, but not in a fully committed way 미리 상황을 파악하다, 사정을 살피다
* mope around - to act depressed and glum around other people 침울하게 서성거리다
* hang out one's shingle - to launch a business (간판을 내걸고) 사업을 시작하다
* reap the harvest - to be rewarded for one's past efforts 결실을 보다
* tweak - to make a minor adjustment to something 약간 수정하다
[Expression of the day]
I have seeing you moping around.
나는 당신이 침울하게 어정거리는 것을 보는 것이 싫다.
I hate seeing you in a funk.
I hate seeing you pining away.
I hate seeing you wearing a long face.
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