
비를 맞아 옷과 신발 세탁 서비스를 문의하는 미란다

[Try it in English]

접수원 : 어머, 흠뻑 젖으셨네요! 비를 맞으신 거예요?

미란다 : 네, 등산을 하고 있었는데 비가 내리기 시작하더라고요.

접수원 : 아이고, 이런.

미란다 : 세탁 서비스를 좀 받을 수 있을까요?

접수원 : 그럼요. 세탁 주머니에 옷을 넣어서 문에 걸어 주세요.

미란다 : 알겠습니다. 운동화도 넣어도 되나요?

접수원 : 네.

​[Model dialogue]

Receptionist : Oh, you're soaked! Did you get caught in the rain?

Miranda : Yes, it stated to rain while we were hiking.

Receptionist : Oh, no.

Miranda : Can I get some laundry service?

Receptionist : Sure. Put your clothes in the laundry bag and hang it on the door, please.

Miranda : Okay. Can I put in my sneakers, too?

Receptionist : Yes.

[Vocabulary& Expressions]

* be soaked 흠뻑 젖다

* hang 걸다

* laundry 세탁

* sneakers 운동화 

[Speaking drills]

get / got caught in the rain  비를 맞다 / 맞았다

Did you get caught in the rain?

I got caught in the rain.

I couldn't avoid getting caught in the rain.

I always get caught in the rain because I forget to bring an umbrella.

It started to rain while ~.  ~하는데 비가 내리기 시작했어요.

It started to rain while we were hiking.

It started to rain while we were eating.

It started to rain while I was walking home.

It started to rain while I was jogging by the river.

* ​Can I ~, too?  제가 ~해도 되나요?

Can I put in my sneakers, too?


Can I come, too?

​​​- Can I play outside, too?

Can I stay here, too?

[Easy & Useful Expressions]

"get caught in the rain"

비 또는 소나기를 맞을 떄는 '그 비나 소나기에 잡힌다, 갇힌다' 라는 느낌으로 get caught in the rain 혹은 get caught in the shower라고 합니다. '비 맞으셨어요?'는 Did you get caught in the rain?, '네, 비를 맞았어요.' 는 Yes, I got caught in the rain. '소나기를 맞았어요.' 는 I got caught in the shower.와 같이 말합니다.


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