
부모님께 안부 전화를 드리려는 테일러와 존

​​​​[Try it in English]

테일러: 존, 너는 부모님게 자주 전화를 드리니?
존: 별로, 리포트에 그룹 스터디에 다른 일 때문에 평소에 너무 바쁘거든.
테일러: 그래도 부모님게 시간을 좀 내야지.
존: 그러게 말이야. 그런데도 그러기가 쉽지 않네.
테일러: 부모님께 전화드리는 얘기를 한 김에, 우리 둘 다 부모님께 전화드려 볼까?
존: 좋아.

​[Model Dialogue]

*우리말 대화에 맞는 영어 대화를 듣고 연습해 보세요.​

Taylor: John, do you call your parents often?
John: Not really. I'm usually tied up with reports, group studying, and other work.
Taylor: But you need to make some time for your parents.
John: I know. It's not easy to do though.
Taylor: Speaking of calling parents, why don't we both call our parents?
John: All right.

[Vocabulary & Expressions]

* report: 보고서, 리포트
* other work: 다른 일

​[Speaking Drills]

I'm tied up with~.
I'm usually tied up with reports, group studying, and other work.

make some time for~
You need to make some time for your parents.

Speaking of~, ....
Speaking of calling parents, why don't we both call our parents?

​[Pronunciation & Listening Tips]

I'm usually tied up with my work.
I'm usually tied up with the chores.
I'm usually tied up with a lot of work.

It's not easy to understand you soon.
It's not easy to do that by yourself.
It's not easy to persuade your daughter.


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