동생에게 형 자전거를 사자고 설득하는 헬렌
[Try it in English]
헬렌: 내 생각엔 우리가 네 형한테 자전거를 사 줘야 할 것 같구나.
토니: 제 것이 아니라요?
헬렌: 그래, 그러면 너희 둘 다 자전거를 쓸 수 있잖니.
토니: 저는 왜 늘 물려받은 걸 써야 해요?
헬렌: 네가 동생이니까 그렇지.
토니: 싫어요! 제가 쓸 자전거를 사 주세요!
헬렌: 아, 그러지 말고.....
[Model Dialogue]
*우리말 대화에 맞는 영어 대화를 듣고 연습해 보세요.
Helen: I think we should buy a bicycle for your older brother.
Tony: Not for me?
Helen: Yes, then both of you can use the bicycle.
Tony: Why do I always have to use hand-me-downs?
Helen: Because you're the younger one.
Tony: No! Please buy a bicycle just for me!
Helen: oh, come on...
[Vocabulary & Expressions]
* older brother: 형, 오빠
* younger one: 아이, 동생
[Speaking Drills]
* both of you
Then both of you can use the bicycle.
* hand-me-downs
Why do I always have to use hand-me-downs?
* just for me
Please buy a bicycle just for me!
[Pronunciation & Listening Tips]
I think we should do that.
I think we should help each other.
I think we should do something for it.
Why do I always have to call you first?
Why do I always have to clean your room?
Why do I always have to say sorry?
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