
I can't Believe You Fall for Every Fashion Trend!

Dwayne : What in the world are you wearing, Army? Don't you realize it's 33 degrees outside?

Amy : Oh, you noticed my new fur boots. Do you like them?

Dwayne : Umm, yeah, I guess they're nice, but why are you wearing them now? It's August and I don't see any snow on the ground.

Amy : Don't be silly! It's the latest trend, so everyone's wearing them. No one's wearing sandals these days.

Dwayne : Forgive me for being out of touch, but that is, by far, the dumbest thing I have ever heard.

Amy : Yeah, you're definitely out of touch. The singer-actress Sly Rita started it. She wears them in all her concerts and even on the daytime drama she starts in.

Dwayne : Well, I just hope she doesn't decide to grow facial hair, because you would look silly with a moustache.

Amy : Very funny, Dwayne. But I think if you were a little trendier, you'd get more dates. You should wear more sport coats with short pants and dress shoes. Oh, and a bowtie.

Dwayne : You just painted a really silly picture. What grown man would walk around looking like a schoolboy or a clown?

Amy : I pity you, I really do. If you gave fashion a chance, your mind would be opened up to a whole new world.

Dwayne : The lifespan of fashion trends is very short these days, which makes them a waste of money. I think I'll stick to my classic blue jeans, t-shirts, and sneakers, thank you very much!

[Vocab Tips]

* facial hair 얼굴에 나는 털
* trendy 유행을 따르는
* moustache 콧수염
* lifespan 수명, 주기
* out of touch ~에 익숙하지 않은, 뒤처진
* by far 확실히
* paint a picture 자세히 설명하다
* give something / someone a chance ~을 시도해 보다
* stick to ~을 계속하다, 지키다

[Expression of the day]

Forgive me for being out of touch...
내가 뒤처지는 것을 용서해 줘...

Forgive me for not being up-to-date...
Forgive me for being in the dark...
Forgive me for being uninformed...


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