Getting My Kid to Eat Veggies 우리 아이 채소 먹이기
[Power Dialog]
My son only wants to eat chicken nuggets every day. All my efforts to get him to eat his veggies are in vain.
Oh no! I remember when David was in that phase. But I managed to nip it in the bud pretty fast.
Tell me your secret! I'm afraid it's gotten out of hand.
Well, we tried to cut him off from nuggets cold turkey, but he had a tantrum.
Yeah, that happened with my Sean. What finally worked?
We started cutting back on the number of nuggets until he only had one a night. he was still so hungry after that one that he cleaned his plate. Now he gets nuggets once a week.
Thanks. At this point, I'm willing to try anything.
[Power Note]
1. in vain - a waste of time and/or resources
헛되이, 보람 없이
A: You failed the entrance exam again? Oh, man!
B: Yeah, all my late nights of studying were in vain.
* After months of digging for gold, his efforts were in vain.
2. nip something in the bud - to stop something in its early stages
문제의 소지를 초기에 없애다, 싹을 자르다
A: It's not a big deal, I only smoke once in a while.
B: Well, before it becomes a constant habit, you need to nip it in the bud.
* The dictator nipped the uprising in the bud by arresting the traitors.
3. get out of hand - to reach a level that is beyond controlling
감당할 수 없게 되다, 통제할 수 없어지다
A: I hope the police can keep the protestors calm.
B: Yeah, all it takes is one stupid incident for it to get out of hand.
* Bill let his credit debt out of hand. Now he has little hope in repaying it.
[Power Pattern & Vocabulary]
At the point...
이 시점에서, 현재로선 ~
At this point, he must be very lonely.
At this point, we knew we were outnumbered.
At this point, I'd be happy to break even on my investments.
tantrum (특히 아이가) 성질을 부림, 떼를 씀