My Cat Just Hand Kittens - Want One or Two or Three? 우리 고양이가 방금 새끼를 낳았어요?
[Power Dialog]
Guess what! Ginger had five kittens yesterday. I took some pictures, look!
Oh my gosh, they are so cute. Their eyes aren't even open yet. And the one on the far left looks like a little tiger.
These next six weeks are going to be really trying times for my husband and me.
Why, what happens in six weeks?
That's when we'll be giving the kittens away and getting our cat fixed so she won't have more babies.
Well, sign me up for little tiger! Hey, do me a favor and start calling him Tiger so he'll get used to his name.
Okay, but you should know I'm going to hold you to it, so don't change your mind about adopting him.
[Power Note]
1. trying times - difficult periods
힘겨운시간, 괴로운 시간
A: This is the third day in a row without any customers for lunch.
B: These are trying times for resort towns when nobody can afford vacations.
* The Great Depression was a trying time for my grandparents and their three children.
2. sign me up (for something) - to enthusiastically volunteer for something
(~에) 흔쾌히참가하다, 기꺼이 자진하다
A: A few of my friends and I are driving to the beach this weekend. Wanna come?
B: The beach? Sign me up!
* Free chicken and beer? Sign me up!
3. hold someone to something - to keep someone accountable for a promise or responsibility
~에게 ...라는 약속을 지키게 하다, 책임지게 하다
A: You'll really invest $100,000 into my startup company?
B: You can hold me to it. Just deliver the paperwork to my office this week.
* I promised my mother I would visit her soon, and she held to it, reminding me every week.
[Power Pattern & Vocabulary]
Do me a favor and...
부탁이 있는데~
Do me a favor and take a picture of me.
Do me a favor and never mention her name again!
Do me a favor and hold my drink while I get out my wallet.
fixed 중성화된, 거세된