운동과 체중 감량에 대해 얘기하는 헬렌과 친구
[Try it in English]
A. 린다, 요즘 운동은 하니?
B. 아니 별루...그런데 나 스포츠센터에 등록했어.
A. 아..이제 곧 살을 빼겠구나.
B. 그랬으면 좋겠어. 탄력있는 몸매를 가지고 싶단 말이야.
A. 사실은 내가 좀 굶어봤는데 효과는 없더라구
B. 결국은 운동을 하고 적게 먹어야 되는 것 같더라구
A. 맞아...몸매 관리 잘하길 바랄게
[Model Dialogue]
A. Rinda, Do you work out these days?
B. Not really but I just signed up for a gym.
A. Oh, you're going to lose some weight soon.
B. I hope so. I want to have a well toned body.
A. Actually I was into fasting but it didn't work.
B. I think it's all just about getting exercise and eating less.
A. Right. Good luck getting in shape.
[Speaking Drills]
* a well toned body...
Look at your a well toned body.
* I'm into.../I was into...
I'm into swimming these days.
* get in shape...
How can I get in shape?
[Pronunciation & Listening Tips]
I just signed up for a dance class.
I just signed up for a swimming class.
I just signed up for a singing class.
I think it's all just about saving time.
I think it's all just about joining the moment.
I think it's all just about trying to be happy.
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