
8주 영어완전정복 프로젝트 학습자료 2 

<나의 영어 사춘기>

이미 방송이 끝났기 때문에, 주별 학습 자료가 이미 올라와 있어서, 

총 8주간, 2달간의 학습분량이지만, 열심히 하신다면 

4주, 1달내로 마스터 하실수 있으실듯 합니다.

       양/상태 표현하기 (be 동사 + 양/상태 표현)


너무  많아

It is too much


It is a lot.

꽤 많아

It is quite a lot.

충분해 / 충분히 많아

It is enough

꽤 충분해

 It is quite enough.

충분히  좋아

 It is good enough.


 It is big enough.

충분히  작아

 It is small enough.

너무  많았어

It was too much


 It was a lot.


 It was enough.

충분히  좋았어

 It was good enough.

충분히  컸어

 It was big enough.

충분히  작았어

 It was small enough.


       맛 표현하기 (be 동사 + 맛 표현)



It is a bit spicy. / They are a bit spicy.


 It is a bit salty. / They are a bit salty.


 It is a bit sweet. / They are a bit sweet.


It is a little spicy. / They are a little spicy.


 It is a little salty. / They are a little salty.


It is quite spicy. / They are quite spicy.


 It is quite salty. / They are quite salty.

꽤 맛있어.

 It is quite good. / They are quite good.

너무 매워.

It is so spicy. / They are so spicy.

너무  짜.

 It is so salty. / They are so salty.

너무 맛있어.

 It is so good. / They are so good.


       be 동사 연습하기 (~이다, ~야, ~예요)


이거 예요.

It is this. / It’s not this. / It was this. / It wasn’t this.

우리 예요.

 It is us. / It's not us. / It was us. / It wasn't us.


 It's me. / It's not me. / It was me. / It wasn't me. 


 It is you. / It's not you. / It was you. / It wasn't you.


 It is him, her. / It's not him, her. / It was him, her. / It wasn't him, her.

내 차례야.

 It is my turn. / It's not my turn. / It was my turn. / It wasn't my turn.

우리 엄마야.

 It is my mom. / It's not my mom. / It was my mom. / It wasn't my mom.


 It is time. / It's not time. / It was time. / It wasn't time.


       be 동사 연습하기 (~에 있다)


여기 있어.

It is here. / It was here.

거기 있어.

 It is there. / It was there.

서울에 있어.

 It is in 서울. / It was in 서울.

내 차에 있어.

 It is in my car. / It was in my car.


       be 동사 연습하기 (~다)



It is good.


 It is embarrassing.


 It is frustrating.


 It is disgusting.


 It is fine.


 It is right.


 It is convenient.

  받아들일 수없어.

 It is unacceptable.

적절하지 않아.

 It is inappropriate.


 It is necessary.

필요치 않아.

 It is unnecessary.

  너에게 달렸어.

 It is up to you.


       스토리   말해보기  


이건 내 샐러드야.

This is my salad

식품관에서 가져온 건데.

I got this from 식품관.

양파와 상추 그리고 양배추가 들어있어.

 It as some onion, lettuce, and cabbage in it.

햄도 좀 들어있고.

 It's got some ham in it as well.

오리엔탈 소스를 뿌려놨

는데 치즈를 듬뿍 넣어서 

이거 맛있어.

 They put a little oriental sauce on it, but it's got a lot of cheese in it. So it is good.


       스토리   말해보기  


  이건 부대찌개야.

 This is budae jjigae.

  햄과 김치가 엄청 들어가 있지.

It’s got a lot of ham and kimchi in it

  꽤 향이 쎈데, 난 좋아.

 It is quite spicy, but I like it.


       스토리   말해보기  


  이건  순대야.

 This is 순대.

  내장으로 이걸 만드는 거야.

They made this with 내장.

  당면이 이 안에 들어있거든.

 It's got some 당면 in it.

  가끔 야채를 넣기도 해.

Sometimes, they put vegetables in it.

  다들 좋아하는데 난 안 좋아해.

 Everyone likes it, but I don't.


       스토리   말해보기  


오늘 아침에 일어나서 스트레칭을 좀


This morning, I got up and did some stretching.

샤워를 하고 아침식사로 고기를 가지고

된장찌개를 만들었어요.

I took a shower. I made some 된장찌개 with 고기 for breakfast.

아주 맛있어서 다들 좋아했어요.

It was very good. Everyone loved it

매니저에게 전화가 왔어요.

그는 매우 급했어요.

 I got a call from my manager. 

 He was in hurry.

  옷을  갈아입고  화장을  하고 주차장으로

  뛰어내려가서   여기로   운전해서  왔지 요.

 I got changed, put on makeup and ran down to the parking lot and drove here.

다음 tv 프로에 대해서 매니저랑 같이

이야기를 했어요.

 I talked to my manager about our next TV show.

매니저는 내가 이걸 해야 한다고

말했어요. 하지만 전 동의하지 않았어요.

 He said I gotta do it. But I didn't agree.

저는 저에게 그 프로가 맞지 않는다고


 I thought the show was not right for me.

거기 몇몇의 슈퍼 스타들이 나올 거


 It will have some superstars in it.

  우리 매니저는 시청률이 잘 나올 거라고 생각했어요.

 He thought the show will get good ratings.

  저도 그가 맞다고 생각해요. 그가 맞길바라고요.

 I believe he is right. I hope he is right.

  하지만 저 없이 그 프로가 더 잘 될

거라는 확신이 있어요.

 However, I am sure the show will be better without me.

  전 그 쇼가 저랑 안 맞는다고 확신해요.

 I am sure the show is not right for me.

  좋은 선택을 하는 건 항상 아주 어려워요.

 It is always very difficult to make a good choice.

 결코 쉽지 않죠. 하지만 그게 제 삶의


 It is never easy, but it's a part of my life.



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